Unit 1 Grosvenor House, Durkins Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 2RW (Show me directions) Show Map
Monday to Sunday: Open 24 Hours
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Western Cars & Taxis
Western Cars offer a full taxi service in your local area, with an instant on line quote and booking system. We have an excellent fleet of vehicles that we take great pride in. Our team of drivers and helpful friendly staff are always ready to help with all of your needs, just call us for any further information on . We operate 24/7 throughout the year and accept all major credit/debit cards including American Express. Please get in touch to discuss your business requirements and set up an account.
Call us on 01342 300000 or
Mr Khairul Kabir
(Managing Director)
Leave a reviewLeave disabled customers stranded
PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU BOOK WITH THIS COMPANY!! We pre booked a car for my cousins wedding at an agreed cost of £25, approx. 30 minutes before the car was due to arrive they called and told us the cost would be increased to £40 with no reasoning! When we protested and highlighted they would be leaving my disabled sister stranded, they cancelled the car on us! We had specifically booked a vehicle that could fit her wheelchair so we did not have this issue!! My sister was mortified as she couldn't get another cab or find a way home. Watching your sister crying inconsolably at what should be a happy occasion was heartbreaking and quite frankly a day ruiner. The fact you would do this to a vulnerable customer is unacceptable and unforgivable. You simply should not be in business and I will personally be contacting local press, the council and Licencing companies and anyone that will listen to me about your awful practices. I hope you are throughly ashamed of yourselves!